Maye Musk, the mother of billionaire Elon Musk, recently shared her thoughts on her relationship with her children, including her son Elon, and his ex-girlfriend, the artist Grimes. In an interview with WWD, Maye revealed that she spends more time with Grimes and her children than with Elon himself, highlighting the close bond she shares with both.
Beyond their familial connection, Maye Musk expressed deep admiration for Grimes, particularly for her creativity and unique sense of style. She praised the singer’s inventiveness and artistic flair, describing her as a truly exceptional individual. According to Maye, she has great respect for people with artistic talent, and she sees Grimes as an embodiment of that, recognizing her as someone with a distinct vision and the ability to bring it to life in a remarkable way.
This acknowledgment from Maye Musk not only speaks to her supportive nature but also to her recognition of the value of artistic expression. It highlights the respect she has for Grimes, not just as a mother to her grandchildren, but as an individual with a profound and unique contribution to the world of music and culture.